
Latin America: Time to build a bloc

Oct 03, 2018

The region faces a new opportunity to strengthen trade
In the face of a rising US dollar and a global trend towards protectionism that affects some of the globe’s globe's major economic powers, the leading markets of Latin America find themselves with an opportunity to work on enhancing regional trade.

Some regional markets have done better than others in the mission to diversify economic activities and build value-added services to avoid an excessive dependence on commodities, but further intra-regional trade can help every economy increase sales volumes, find new niches and gain steady flows of income.

Let’s admit it: the dollar is strong, and the dynamic US economy promises to remain vibrant. The agenda of the US moves what happens in Latin America, and a strong dollar, among other factors, increases volatility in more exposed markets, with Argentina being the clearest example of that these days.

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