

  • Panamá se convierte en Estado Asociado del Mercosu - El 6 de diciembre de 2024, Panamá formalizĂł su ingreso como Estado Asociado al Mercosur durante la 65ÂŞ Cumbre de Jefes de Estado del bloque en Montevideo, Uruguay. El presidente JosĂ© RaĂşl Mulino y el canciller Javier MartĂ­nez Acha firmaron los acuerdos correspondientes, convir... more

  • Panama ranks 9th in the Latin American Artificial - Panama ranks 9th out of 19 countries in the Latin American Artificial Intelligence Index (ILIA), led by Chile, Brazil, and Uruguay. Panama scored 37.45 out of 100 points but was recognized for its strong performance in open-source code development, surpassing countries like Ur... more

  • Panama grew by 7.3% in 2023 - According to Panama's Office of the Comptroller General, the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 7.3% in 2023, reaching US$78.8234 billion at constant 2018 prices—an increase of US$5.3741 billion from the previous year. Key sectors contributing to this growth inclu... more


  • Panama one of the countries with lowest inflation - The Federal Reserve indicated that more restrictive monetary policy is in the cards amid strong employment gains. In Europe, while inflation has fallen, it is still far above the 2% target. Across the Euro area inflation is estimated to have reached 8.5% in January. At the sa... more


  • Fitch Affirms Panama at 'BBB-'; Outlook Stable - Panama's ratings are supported by its high per capita income, a track record of strong macroeconomic performance featuring high growth rates, and relatively low inflation, supported by a strategic location and asset (the Panama Canal). This is counterbalanced by a relatively n... more

  • 15% Growth Economy of Panama in 2021 - During 2021, the production of goods and services in the Panamanian economy, measured through GDP, presented an increase of 15.3%, compared to the previous year, according to the Comptroller General of the Republic of Panama.  The figure for the Panamanian Internal Product st... more


  • Panama focuses on Vaccine Tourism - Panama approved a plan on Wednesday to vaccinate visitors in a bid to boost a tourism industry badly hit by the coronavirus pandemic, becoming the first Central American nation to offer vaccine doses to tourists. Many of Panama's neighbours have struggled to vaccinate lar... more

  • IMF says Panama’s economy will grow by 12.5% - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) described Panama’s economic “outlook” as “optimistic” and forecasts a 12% growth for 2021, after a 17.9% drop due to the pandemic last year, the Panamanian government informed on Wednesday. more

  • Promising forecast for economy of Panama - The World Bank has improved economic growth projections for all Central American economies for 2021, with Honduras, El Salvador and Panama having the most promising forecasts.  more


  • Panama Canal sees signs of rebound in global trade - The Panama Canal is seeing signs of a rebound in global trade as ship transits recover from the depressed levels caused by the pandemic. Total transits through the waterway rose to 933 in July, from 845 in June, which was the fewest since the canal opened an expanded set of lo... more