
WTC Moscow: "Russia in global trade" project

Jun 23, 2015

The World Trade Center Moscow is rolling out a new interactive analytical resource on Russia’s significance in international trade.
The project will help define Russia’s place in international trade, evaluate the promising development areas of foreign trade relations, and analyze the trade barriers in use and Russia’s trade relations with the key partner countries and groups of countries.

The information portal consists of 4 sections providing statistics on market shares, trade volumes, the product structure and trade barriers to Russian exports existing in various national markets. Furthermore, users will be able to learn about measures protecting the Russian market enforced by the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with respect to key trading partners and integration associations (EU, BRICS, CIS, APEC, etc.).

“The key mission of the new portal is to provide authentic information on the structure, scope and dynamics of trade to any party involved in international economic activities. That information on prospective partners is provided online and is regularly updated. What distinguishes that resource from others is a modern user-friendly interface and a possibility of getting trade-related data not only on countries but groups of countries, for instance EU and EAEU.

“What is important for analysts, you can see the share that Russian supplies account for in the total imports of a partner country as a whole and by product groups. The resource will help businesses find out more about barriers set up against our products in external markets.

“Certainly, it’s a first step, and we’ll be adding information, deepen the statistical and analytical insight. But even now we can say that it’s a unique portal that will come in handy for students, public officials, and, of course, businesses,” emphasized Vladimir Salamatov, General Director of the World Trade Center Moscow and Chairman of the Committee on Economic Integration of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and CIS countries, Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The project was presented at the 19th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in a report on the new integration trends in global trade, at the panel session “International trade: globalization or regionalization.”

Additionally at the forum the WTC Moscow presented a new book, “Challenges to competition in the context of Russia’s membership in the World Trade Organization,” published under joint editorship of Prof. Vladimir Salamatov, Dr. Sc. (Economics), and Andrei Klepach, Cand. Sc. (Economics). The books has been prepared on the basis of materials that also laid the foundation of a report, “On development of national business and enhancement of its competitiveness in the global market in the context of Russia’s membership in the World Trade Organization,” made by the State Council of the Russian Federation on September 17, 2014. The book presents information on the following aspects and analyzes it in detail:
• competition factors of Russian economy as a whole and individual product groups;
• the government’s plan of action to get adapted to operation in the context of the WTO membership;
• approaches to economic modernization;
• the structure of Russia’s commitments in scaling back tariff protection, and providing access to the service market;
• the applicable restrictions on Russian exports and trade protection measures enforced in the Customs Union;
• structural measures to improve competitiveness of businesses in the WTO-regulated environment, and new approaches to industrial, agrarian and transport policies.

The edition is intended for public officials, entities involved in international economic activities, students and post-graduate students majoring in “International economic relations,” “Foreign trade” and “The WTO law,” and also for everyone who is interested in matters related to international trade.