Director General of the World Trade Center Moscow Vladimir Salamatov will speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which will be held in St. Petersburg from 18 to 20 June 2015. SPIEF is among the leading world reputable areas where the leaders of new economic powers meet to identify and discuss key economic issues, facing Russia and the world in general.
On June the 18th Vladimir Salamatov will take part in discussion at the Business Forum of the SCO, and on June the 19th he will present a report on new integration trends in world trade at the panel session on "International trade: globalization and regionalization?", Co-organized and curated by a WTC (Pavilion 5, Conference 5.2-hall, 17: 15-18: 30).
During the session the unique project will also be presented - an interactive analytical resource, dedicated to Russia's participation in international trade. The resource contains the most recent statistical data on the dynamics of import and export, commodity pattern and volume of foreign trade, the share of Russia's imports trade partners, as well as complete information on barriers to trade. The resource will be available for use even during the Forum.
World Trade Center is also a co-organizer and curator of another panel session: "Technology Transfer. How to overcome the barriers? ". In addition, within a framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, WTC will introduce to participants the new book "Challenges of competitiveness in the context of Russia's participation in the World Trade Organization", published under the editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor - Vladimir Salamatov and Ph.D in Economics - Andrei Klepach.