LOS ANGELES, CA, USA - Countdown to the 2015 #WTCAMemberSeminar! From October 18-20, 2015, get to know WTC Representatives from around the world, including this week’s “Featured Attendee” and President of WTC Los Angeles, Stephen Cheung.
What is your role/responsibility at your WTC?
My role at the WTCLA is to develop programs and partnerships aimed to support 1) international companies seeking to locate or expand their business operations in the Los Angeles Region, and 2) local companies seeking to enter foreign markets.
What is one unique attribute of your WTC that can benefit members of other WTCs, or something operational your WTC excels at that other WTCs can learn from you?
The WTCLA excels at utilizing existing resources in the region through innovative partnerships. For example, our export program will recruit targeted companies and guide them through a series of existing programs including the US Small Business Administration’s Business Plan Program, Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation’s Industry Cluster Report, Port of Los Angeles’ Trade Connect Program, California Manufacturing Technology Consulting’s Export Tech Program, UCLA’s Global Access Program, USC’s International Business Consulting Projects, and US Department of Commerce’s Gold Key Service. By linking all the existing programs into one system, we can increase a company’s export potential significantly.
Have you attended a Member Seminar in the past?
What are you most looking forward to/hoping to come away with from the 2015 Member Seminar?
I would like to establish meaningful connections with other WTCs, learn about their staffing/board structures, and fundraising strategies.
The WTCA Member Seminar is held in New York City from October 18-20, 2015. Register today to meet WTC Colleagues like Stephen and to engage with the WTCA Network.