LEEUWARDEN, NETHERLANDS - Last week, on 2 March, World Trade Center Leeuwarden successfully organized the WTC Business Academy Course ‘Doing Business in Denmark and Sweden ’. Both countries are in the top 5 of major export destinations of the Netherlands. Sweden and Denmark are often used as a test market by Dutch companies because of the similar market characteristics.
Representatives of several small to medium sized businesses (mainly from the Northern Netherlands) joined us for a day-long course on the ins and outs of doing business with our northern neighbours. The course was held in one of the luxurious conference rooms of the WTC Conference Center in Leeuwarden.
The course was organized for those entrepreneurs who were either interested in doing business in Sweden and Denmark, or were already doing business there but faced problems achieving the desired results. For some, this course was a prelude to the trade mission scheduled from 19 to 22 June 2017 and organized in collaboration with matchmaking agency MarketLink. The content of the Business Course was composed in cooperation with MarketLink. During the seminar, Callette Terhaerdt Losic and Nol Wijnholds discussed Swedish and Danish culture, history, economy and customs when doing business. Through a business case and interactive discussions, participants were taught what (not) to do in Denmark and Sweden, which sectors are most interesting for investors/exporters and how to approach this market.
Additionally, a representative of the EU Interreg North Sea Region presented their Lean Landing Project: a program set up with the intention to improve economic cooperation between all six North Sea countries.
To learn more about WTC Business Academy, please click here.
To learn more about WTC Leeuwarden, please click on the source link below.