
Suppliers Necessary to Support Business Survival

Jul 27, 2020

On July 23rd, The World Trade Center Dublin, in conjunction with WTC Barcelona, D.C. and WebPort Global hosted the webinar: Suppliers Necessary to Support Business Survival and Re-Invention. The session was presented by David Coffey, Founder and CEO of the Clearview Group, a procurement company based out of Dublin, Ireland.

Since early March, business continuity plans have been laid bare in their inadequacy for many organizations as COVID-19 continues to advance around the globe. To date, nothing has prepared us for the pandemics scope of impact. Forecasts for new sales and growth have been shredded as world economies stagger to control and beat back the march of the invisible enemy.

David’s noted that colleagues in finance, procurement and supply chain industries entered the fray, taking center stage to tackle the immediate challenge - survival. As part of the new paradigm, industries are re-imagining strategies and best practices for procurement and supply chain structures poised to help businesses grow and re-invent themselves for the future.

CEO David Coffey, whom has worked in both the U.S., at PwC and in Procurement Strategy Leadership Roles in the Banking and Pharmaceutical industries, and in Ireland; frames the view of the Chief Procurement Officers (CPO) and C-Suite professionals to COVID-19. The webinar shed light on the methods, thinking and supply priorities of the buying organizations.

During the presentation key areas that were addressed included buyer and supplier improvement and resilience, re-positioning relationships, volatile demand patterns and acute impact vs. adaptation.

The webinar was joined by professionals globally including those from Ireland, Argentina, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.

World Trade Center Dublin in conjunction with WebPort Global are excited to host future webinars with international audiences.

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*The Clearview Group Presentation Video will be accessible to all those that sign up*