World Trade Center Bhubaneswar in association with Start-up Odisha organized a virtual workshop on Start-up Runway and Government e-marketplace. The program kicked off a series of workshops on GeM to be organized by both the organizations aiming to train more than 1000 start-ups registered with Start-up Odisha. Government e-marketplace serves as a vital platform for the Start-ups which are young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market. The GeM platform provides for a platform which allows listing of products for individual, prescribed categories of Goods/ Services of common use. It provides enhanced scope to the Start-ups for not only getting into the market but also create their own market space for their brand. It allows the Start-ups to look, estimate, compare and place dynamic pricing at the same time providing access for direct access to all Government departments, new product suggestion facility, and seller friendly dashboard for selling and monitoring of supplies and payments and consistent and uniform purchase procedures.
Ms. Sanjukta Badhai, Evangelist, Start-up Odisha while presenting the opening remarks stated about the importance of GeM for the Start-ups and urged the Start-up to get enrolled in the Start-up runway and participate in tenders through the GeM portal.
Mr Sudhanshu Pradhan, GeM Business Facilitator-Odisha facilitated the workshop. He made a detailed presentation about the Start –up runway gateway available in the GeM portal. While explaining the fundamentals of GeM he explained in detail about the 10 start-up subsectors, registration process for the Start-up runway. He further shared insights on crucial topics such as Registration process & Eligibilty conditions for GeM, GeM process workflow, catalogue creation/ modification, product/services upload, bid processing, stock updating, validation, invoice generation, payments from crac generation and reporting & incident management.
Ms. Nimeshika Natarajan, Assistant Director, World Trade Center Bhubaneswar earlier in her welcome address spoke about the initiatives taken by the Center in order to handhold the MSMEs and Start-ups during the pandemic. She welcomed this initiative taken by Start-up Odisha at the right time as this would open up market circulation and enable sustainability for the unique start-up products and solutions.
A lively question answer session added much value to the program.