Africa and the Circular Economy

The WTC Accra presents webinar on the topic “Africa and the Circular Economy: Opportunities, Benefits and Trends” will be a 1-day capacity-building and B2B match-making webinar with conference sessions and two break-out deal rooms.
The conference sessions will expose African companies and governments to the concept of the circular economy and highlight its advantages over the traditional linear economy where products are made, used and disposed.
The break-out deal rooms will serve as a platform for B2B, B2G and B2C engagements where one-on-one and commercial round tables based on sectors will be held.
The Circular Economy (CE) is that economic system that is intentionally designed to be restorative and regenerative with a focus on reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, re-manufacturing and recycling to create a close loop system. In a circular economy system, processes are engineered such that as much as possible, waste, because an input for another product and new resource inputs and environmental pollution, are limited as much as possible.

• Promote the Circular Economy in Africa
• Expose the economic opportunities for the Circular Economy in Africa

• Match foreign businesses in the Circular Economy to potential partners in Africa

• Stimulate partnerships to address gaps in the adoption of the Circular Economy in Africa